I'm going to wait for my stuff to dry before I leave the hostel.
It is actually quite beautiful here. I love the seemingly barren land, just rock really. The soil is still frozen in places. There are reindeer here but other than that I only see birds. There are cormorants in the water and puffins too.
I've decided to steal a blanket from the hostel so I won't freeze at night any more. I think someone left it here, any ways, that's what the guys said. My hands are the only thing I am worried about now (except for getting caught stealing the blanket).

6:30pm July 20, 92
Well, I'm on my way back south. Today was a better day. I think I got upset yesterday with all the tourists and noise and goings-on. As soon as I got on my bike and rode out of town I felt much better again.
I decided to take the day off from cycling. I was hoping to take a ferry to Hammerfest but it costs 260NC. I hope to be able to take a ferry later and I will save some money for that one. It is on an island chain that is supposed to be very beautiful and the ferry costs 100 NC. I now have less than 20 NC to spend a day. I hope there will be somewhere I can use my MasterCard.
I rode a bit south once I got off the ferry to find a nice spot and carried my bike over a hill where it looked nice. It is very barren except for some small scrub. There are rabbits here too. I set up the tent at the side of a hill. It was great. I took off all my clothes and set up camp and just stayed like that for the rest of the day. Boy did I appreciate the sunshine! And it's warming up the tent really nicely. It is pretty here.

This is one of my favourite days that I have spent anywhere.